How Big Is Your Faith?

Faith is yet another word for believe. Believing is a process of possession. To be able to possess what you seek for, you must first believe that you can achieve it. When you believe in something, it settles in your spirit, and then moves from something you believe, to something you know. At that point you know it’s yours.

Every individual forms his own estimation of himself. This estimate he forms of himself largely determines what he eventually becomes. You can be no more than you believe you are. It is impossible for one to release more than he thinks is possible. You are a reflection of your thoughts.

It all starts with our thoughts. We think about what we believe. The more we think about what fills our mind, the more we see ourselves possessing it, then we start talking about it. As humans, we have a tendency of wanting to do what we say. Thoughts lead to words which eventually lead to action. The more we talk about what we want to do, the more we want to do them. As we keep doing them, over a short period of time, it forms the habit we do on a regular basis. Our habits form our character, which determines what we become.

How we act largely depends on what we believe. That is why we find people willing to die for what they believe in, regardless of the nature of the cause.

Stand Firm in Faith.

You are experiencing everything you believe. Your life is a reflection of your thoughts, so be careful what you say to yourself, because you are also watching and listening. Whatever you say to yourself stays with you, whether of good or not. Learn to weed out thoughts that sabotages.

Think out of the box. Now with the knowledge you just got about the power of your thoughts. Knowing you attract what you believe. I guess you would want to focus all that energy thinking about the right thoughts. You get what you give. Think Big.

Thanks for reading.


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8 years ago

The best. I love this one

8 years ago

The best. I love this one

Pretty Cynthia
8 years ago

I love this and also the one you wrote on how powerful your words are

8 years ago

This is impressive. Keep up the good work

8 years ago

Interesting and well composed writeup. keep it up

Simobel Blog
8 years ago

That's great news. Thank you

8 years ago

This is really very inspiring,i have just gotten an answer to a question, keep up the good work-AUSTIN

Simobel Blog
8 years ago

Thanks dear

8 years ago

Wow,so true, love it….good job