How to Rekindle the Fire in You
The power is in you. The answer you seek is in you. You are the answer to all your searches. Don’t search outside for something that already exists within you.…
The power is in you. The answer you seek is in you. You are the answer to all your searches. Don’t search outside for something that already exists within you.…
You have the power to declare and manifest anything you want into existence; but, if you lack faith, the manifestation of your desires will be hindered. Faith being the substance…
If you want to achieve something you have never achieved before, you must be prepared to do something you have never done before. You won’t achieve the things you want,…
Everything you want is on the other side of fear. The fears you don’t face becomes your limits. Your fears are what is keeping you from being successful in life.…
Your thoughts are the architect of your destiny. Think about the things you want until you strongly believe in them. Once you are able to believe that your dreams are…
Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can wear. Be confident in who you are and proud of who you are becoming. Your success will be established by your confidence…
Stand firm in faith in spite of difficult times. Sometimes, it is hard to stand firm in faith when all hope seems lost. Regardless of the challenges you face in…
God will open doors for you that you never expected. Nothing can stop the blessings that are headed your way. You may have been struggling your whole life to make…
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, it starts feeling like one. Don’t live your life always feeling like a victim. This negative thinking pattern will make…
Insecurity kills everything that is beautiful. Your insecurities will always get in the way of everything you want if you don’t learn to overcome them. If you don’t overcome your…