Living a life of gratitude is the doorway to unprecedented blessings and unmerited favors. A grateful heart will attract goodness and mercies into your life. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more you will have to be grateful for.
Gratitude changes everything. No matter the condition you find yourself in life, always be grateful. When you express gratitude, in spite of your circumstances, your situation will change for the better.
There is always a reason to be grateful. When your life becomes very difficult, always remember that failure to express gratitude in spite of your situation will only make things a lot worse for you.
Here are ten (10) gratitude affirmations that will change your life;
1. My life is full of blessings.
Life is a blessing. Every time that you wake up to see a new day is a blessing. There are so many people who have wished to see this day, but today they are no more. Some are struggling to survive due to health challenges, but here you are healthy and strong. You are blessed to be alive today and that is enough reason to express gratitude.
Before you go about your daily activities, affirm “my life is full of blessings”. As you affirm that your life is full of blessings, you become an irresistible magnet attracting blessings wherever you go. You will also become a blessing to others the more conscious you are of your blessings.
2. I am grateful for the opportunity today brings.
Every day we are presented with a new opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. Instead of wallowing in self-pity due to yesterday’s mistakes, be grateful that today you have a new opportunity to change your life and be who you want to be.
Get up every day with hope fired up in your spirit. Affirm “I am grateful for the opportunity today brings” Every day is a new opportunity to become who you have always wanted to be. Every day is a new opportunity to reach that goal.
3. I am grateful for the power I have to create the life I love.
You have the power to create the life you love. Always be grateful that you have the opportunity to lead a life you love. Nowadays we see so many people living a façade. They appear to be living a happy life, but when you get a chance to get close to them enough for them to confide in you, you will realize that they don’t really love the life they live.
Affirm “I am grateful for the power I have to create the life I love”. Life has forced a lot of people to settle for less than they deserve because they don’t have the power to create the life they love.
4. I am grateful for my family and friends.
Having family and friends that loves you unconditionally is the best thing in the world. Your family will always be there for you through thick and thin, even when it’s not convenient for them. True friends are angels who lift us up when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
If you have family and friends who loves and supports you in everything you do, you are blessed beyond measure. Now affirm “I am grateful for my family and friends”.
5. I am able to see the good in each day.
It is easy to act negatively especially when going through a really difficult time. At the time, it may seem impossible for one to see the good in their situation. Living in hardship can make one get use to suffering, making it hard to find the positives in a bad situation.
Be grateful that in spite of the challenges you encounter you still see the good in each day. Most people have already been robbed of their hopes for a better day.
If you are grateful affirm by saying “I am able to see the good in each day”.
6. I invite gratitude into my heart.
A grateful heart continuously attracts goodness and mercies. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. With a heart full of gratitude, you will attain heights that you never thought would be possible to attain. A grateful heart is a natural door opener. What other people struggle to get will be acquired effortlessly by a grateful person. What seems hard to grasp will come naturally to them.
Affirm “I invite gratitude into my heart” so that your heart will be filled with gratitude. The more gratitude conscious you are, the more you will find more reasons to be grateful.
7. I am grateful for the obstacles I have overcome.
Obstacles are not meant to destroy you. They are meant to strengthen you. When you learn to see your obstacles as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks, they will usher you to greater heights.
No matter how daunting your circumstance may appear to be affirm “I am grateful for the obstacles I have overcome”. As you affirm your victory over your challenges, you will be able to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
8. I believe that blessings are coming my way.
Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen. If you always believe that blessings are coming your way, blessings will never seize from coming into your life.
Affirm “I believe that blessings are coming my way”. The one who is always conscious and expectant of incoming blessings shouldn’t be ungrateful when their blessings don’t come. By being grateful even when your blessings don’t arrive will open the door for more blessings to come. The secret is to always stay grateful.
9. l am grateful that I have everything I need.
It takes a grateful and content person to acknowledge that they have everything they need. Always be grateful that you have everything you need.
When you get up in the morning affirm “I am grateful that I have everything I need”. Don’t be ungrateful when life doesn’t give you what to want. Always believe that everything you need will be provided to help you fulfil your purpose here in earth.
10. I am grateful for good health.
Health is wealth. Most people are in the hospital struggling with several health challenges, but here you are healthy and strong. You should be grateful for good health knowing that the biggest prayer of the sick is to be whole again.
Be grateful for each day that you wake up healthy and strong. Affirm “I am grateful for good health”. Don’t joke with this until pay a visit to the hospital and see the number of sick people praying to be healthy again.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment and share ❤️

Great article!! Thanks for listing out all the gratitude affirmations in an image. You’re doing great work Simobel. Keep it up.
Thanks for your continued support Cynthia ❤️