6 Ways to Rise Up When Life Knocks You Down

Every fall is a chance to rise up again. When life knocks you down, do not give up. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down, as long as you keep rising up again. Don’t let the circumstances of life keep you down on the ground. You haven’t failed until you quit trying. Get up and keep moving. You are don’t done until it is over. You still have a lot of work to do. There is always a chance to rise up after every fall.

Here are six (6) ways to rise up when life knocks you down;

1. Take time to feel your pain.

Feel what you need to feel, and take the time you need to heal. Healing is a process. You can’t just get over a trauma overnight. You might need some time to feel your pain. Give yourself time to process your feelings. Don’t bury your feelings. Truly acknowledging how you feel is part of your healing journey. Your goal shouldn’t just be to get over your feelings, but to process them in a healthy way. Take all the time you need to feel your pain.

2. Accept what you can’t change.

Don’t cling to what could have been. Find the courage to let go of what you can’t change and keep moving forward. When you let go of the past and things you can’t change, you give yourself the chance to experience new things. There is life, peace and joy in this present moment, but you will fail to experience them while holding on to the past. When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge. You must accept the end of something in order to begin something new.

See: How to Accept Change

3. Be kind, and forgive yourself.

Practice being kind to yourself and learn to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Whenever you do something wrong, don’t condemn yourself. Always be kind to yourself. If you feel stuck in life and lack the motivation to move forward, be kind and encourage yourself to keep move forward. Remind yourself that you are doing the very best you can with what you have. The truth is that no one is entirely perfect. Don’t judge yourself for being imperfect. Your every imperfection makes you the real you. It makes you human. Be kind, and forgive yourself.

See: 5 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

4. Evaluate your options, and redefine your goals.

When life knocks you down, you need to figure out what options you have left and redefine your goals. Redefining your goals doesn’t mean setting new goals exactly, but rather changing what you think goals are or what makes them important. Redefine your goals by making the necessary improvement that will guarantee success. Redefine your goals and map out a plan to achieve those goals. It is easy to lose track of where you are going when you don’t have a plan.

5. Map out a plan for your goals.

The truth is that a lot of us set out on a journey without a map. If you don’t have a plan or strategy to achieve your goals, you will be vulnerable to unnecessary and detrimental detours. When you get fully engaged in the process and where you are headed, the map becomes clearer. You may think that achieving your goals are the peak of your success, but making progress through little achievements will make you realize that it was never about the end goal, but rather about the person you become in the process of achieving it.

6. Do not give up.

When life knocks you down, do not give up. You haven’t failed until you quit trying. Get back on your feet and keep moving forward. Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about. If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way to succeed. Whatever it is that you plan to achieve in life, never give up on them even if the odds are against you. Keep pushing, keep working on it, keep trying and never give up. Do not give up before the miracle happens. Your victory is just around the corner.

Thanks for reading.

See: 2 Things That Makes People Change

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1 year ago

Wow this is very interesting and encouraging especially when you are feeling down and want to rise back up. Thanks for this great article Simobel 👍🏼

Precious Ojenima
Precious Ojenima
1 year ago

This is really good, like a motivation that keeps you going I like it keep it up👍🏾👍🏾

1 year ago

Very interesting 💯 keep it up!

1 year ago

Wow this is amazing!!! You are truly a gifted writer. I can’t thank you enough for this great article. To be honest I have been feeling really down these last couple of weeks. You really don’t know the strength it takes for someone to pull themselves out of a dark place mentally. This article on ways to rise up when life knocks you down is really a life changer. Thanks once again Simobel for not giving up on making positive impact in the lives of people worldwide. Stay blessed. Looking forward to your next article 🙂

1 year ago

These motivations are unique, to be honest it added something in me 😇 keep it up dear you will get there and the lord is always your strength

1 year ago

Amazing piece!! Keep it up!

1 year ago

Honestly this is so nice and accurate.
Thank you for this, it helped me